Workshops and Symposia
Review Articles
Pereiro, I., Fomitcheva Khartchenko, A., Petrini, P., and Kaigala, G. V., Lab on a Chip, 2019.
Pereiro, J. F. Cors, S. Pané, B. J. Nelson, and G. V. Kaigala, Chemical Society Reviews 48(5), 2019.
Huber, A. Oskooei, X. C. Solvas, A. deMello, and G. V. Kaigala, Chemical Reviews 118(4), 2042–2079, 2018.
Huber, L. von Voithenberg, and G. V. Kaigala, Micro and Nano Engineering 1, 15-24, 2018.
G. V. Kaigala, R. D. Lovchik, and E. Delamarche, Angewandte Chemie 51(45), 11224-11240, 2012.
General Articles
F. Khartchenko, A. Kashyap and G. V. Kaigala, Improved antibody optimization for tumor analysis through the combination of machine learning with new molecular assay, ERCIM News, July 2019 (circulation ~ 8000 print copies).
X.F. van Kooten, F. Paratore, and M. Bercovici, G.V. Kaigala, Highly sensitive biomarker analysis using on-chip electrokinetics, ERCIM News, October 2017 (circulation ~ 8000 print copies).